Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sponsor a soldier...12 Days of Christmas...Love from Iraq

Here's a beautiful way to help a soldier and his special lady back home for Christmas.


Our service men and women are doing more than their part. They need and deserve all the care packages, love and support that we can give. With the holiday season, they want to send their love back to their wives, fiancés, girlfriends and moms.

This program is designed to let our heroes be heroes yet again. It allows them to send their love back home in a loving and personal gesture.

Imagine your loved one is in Iraq and the holidays are here. You receive a box in the mail. Upon opening it, you find 12 beautifully wrapped gifts: bright red wrapping paper tied up with beautiful golden bows. Each gift is labeled with a card, “On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…” This is love from a serviceman overseas to the woman who is most important in his life.

You have the opportunity to make the holidays a little more special for a military family. Sponsor a serviceman’s Christmas present home to the woman that is most important to him for only $216.

You will be supplied with the name of the serviceman you are sponsoring.

An ad will be put in the Omaha and Lincoln newspapers to publicly thank all of the sponsors.

Please pass the word. People can get involved individually, corporately or as a group.
Ideas of groups might include:
Friends, neighbors, family
Church groups
Book clubs
School groups
Scout troops
Card clubs
Sports teams

Please sign up your group and forward this on to others that want to support our troops for the holidays. This is such an exciting project! It was very successful in 2007.

The gifts need to be ordered, wrapped and ready to go by December 1, 2008. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are excited about sponsoring a hero. My goal is to be able to send out gifts for a platoon out of Kansas that has over 200 soldiers! I don’t want to leave anyone out! Please contact me through my website.

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